Star Rating: ★★★★☆
If This Book Was a Movie Rating: PG-13
people i is swooning onto my proverbial pillow so hard rn.
*nods emphatically from much-used pillow*
You see Khalid? this Khalid right here. I am happy to announce, O fellow GR friends, that this man has Won My Heart. please give a THOROUGHLY warm welcome to Khalid Ibn al-Rashid from The Wrath & The Dawn ❤️🗡
I could talk about the characters, but Khalid outshines them all (let’s be honest, Tariq really never stood a chance against a handsome, cursed villain who’s secretly softhearted and protective and would let the world burn to save his love. who are we kidding).
I could also discuss the plot twists, but all were merely mechanisms that enabled me to further understand Khalid's trauma and suffering.
I could even mention the beautifully lyrical writing and descriptions, but a description of Khalid reigning in his mighty city of the sands would just be too much for my overwhelmed brain to comprehend and I would swoon again.
Basically, I could talk about the actual book, but it’d end up being all about Khalid.
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