Book Rating: ★★★★★
If This Book Was a Movie Rating: PG-13
Did it take fifteen years, four (almost five) movies, twenty million pop culture references, and an infinite amount of teasing from all of my friends before I finally picked up this book?
hey I’m a tough cookie what can I say.
However, setting aside my inexcusable stubbornness, I was absolutely missing out. I have no notes. If you're like me, and haven't read this before, I honestly would recommend going in as blind as you possibly can. The books and movies are obviously ridiculously popular, and I'm sure you haven't avoided every spoiler, but I would still go in without reading any more blurbs or reviews. There is a certain magic to these characters, a sense of realism that rarely materializes in dystopian and young adult fiction. There is pain and grit and raw emotion, and Suzanne Collins handles it all like a master. We have all certainly seen stories like this before, but this one doesn't feel trite or overly dramatic. It feels matter-of-fact. Almost as if Collins is holding up a mirror to everyday horrors and telling us to stare them straight in the face. It was a brutal, beautiful masterpiece.
I don't think I'm ever going to forget this book.
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