note: as of right now, these are my mini reviews for all of the Shatter Me novellas I've read (the two novellas of the first trilogy)
Destroy Me
Star Rating: ★★★★★
If This Book Was a Movie Rating: PG-13
see, Shatter Me was good, but it wasn’t the best thing I've ever read.
but THIS.
my dearest of friends, this little novella was ✨SUPERB✨
As this entire story is about Warner and Warner’s backstory and Warner’s secret love for Juliette, the rest of this review is just going to be me fangirling over Warner 😍
The only reason I started the Shatter Me series was because le bestie Booktastically Amazing was completely fangirling over Warner, and my bookish heart had a strong desire to see the mans that created such delight. I do love a good enemies to lovers, but I didn’t think I’d fall for him.
excuse me while I go write Booksy an invitation to the wedding, as she has introduced me to one of my new favorite book boyfriends ❤️❤️
This man is a villain with his own demons to face, trying to deal with a father that hates him. Trying to deal with a world that killed much of his humanity and emotion. And he was a villain with a soft spot only for the heroine !!
*sobs with hearts in her eyes*
It was so amazing to read Warner’s thoughts and emotions surrounding his interactions with Juliette, and THAT MOMENT when he found her diary was pure bliss.
Warner X Juliette forever ❤️
Fracture Me
Star Rating: ★★☆☆☆
If This Book Was a Movie Rating: PG-13
soooooo I kinda thought I’d have more to say than I actually did, so this is gonna be short.
First off, Adam is a piece of cardboard. One that bends in the wind, is frequently stepped on by higher beings, and generally has no brain cells.
Second of all, Adam needs to shut up about Juliette being the “weak link” in the team, and how she needs to sTaY baCk and bE pROtecTeD.
like what.
Juliette can literally kill people with her touch and Kenji can turn himself and those around him invisible.
If anyone’s the weak link, it’s you, Addie boy.
The only reason I at all liked this novella was because of Kenji *HEART EYESSS* and James *HUG FOR YOUUU*
Like why would I care about Adam’s possessiveness of his ex-girlfriend when I have these two. They deserve the world.
Also I didn’t get Warnette. Or even Warner. And that makes me sad.
two stars because I have better things to do. Like binge-reading Ignite Me *winks*
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Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo